Why LIDAR?Areas of potential benefit from Lidar data include:
• Flood prevention and management ► Lidar is used to accurately map floodplains to develop models predicting areas of inundation under different flood scenarios and identify key locations for flood prevention structures ▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USGS, USFWS, USFS, NRCS, BLM, BIA, BOR, Army Corps of Engineers (DOD), FEMA ▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey), Judicial Branch (Montana Water Court, Natural Resource Damage Program) • Drought preparedness ► Lidar is used to accurately estimate extent of grasslands and shrublands and can differentiate between different species of shrubs and grasses in many cases for more accurate inventory; Lidar data offer the possibility of identifying vegetated areas most susceptible to drought; Lidar can accurately map topography and accurately measure elevational differences to identify areas that may retain soil moisture longest. ▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, BLM, NRCS, DOA, NRCS, Farm Bureau, BIA, USGS, USFWS, FEMA ▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey), Judicial Branch (Montana Water Court, Natural Resource Damage Program). |
• Water Quality Monitoring
► Lidar is used to accurately map floodplains, streams, and riparian areas; Lidar can identify sources of siltation and other inputs into water bodies that reduce water quality; Lidar can be used to identify blown-out culverts and other hydrologic features that may be hidden by vegetation.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, BLM, NRCS, DOA, NRCS, Farm Bureau, BIA, USGS, USFWS, FEMA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey), Judicial Branch (Montana Water Court, Natural Resource Damage Program)
• Fire prevention and management
► Lidar is used to accurately estimate biomass, fuel loading, dead standing timber, understory and/or brush volume, and other parameters that can be used to determine fire risk and guide management.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, USNPS, NRCS, BLM, BIA, FEMA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Forestry Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services
• Agricultural uses and management
► Lidar can accurately measure elevational differences to help site appropriate crop planting; Lidar is used to accurately estimate yield; Lidar data offer the possibility of discriminating between agricultural croplands and natural grasslands.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: DOA, NRCS, Farm Bureau, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation
• Forestry uses and management
► Lidar is used to accurately estimate biomass, timber volume, etc; Lidar can be used to track beetle kill by identifying dead standing timber.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Forestry Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services
• Rangeland uses and management
► Lidar is used to accurately estimate biomass of grasslands and shrublands; Lidar can differentiate between different species of shrubs and grasses in many cases for more accurate inventory; Lidar data offer the possibility of discriminating between planted grasslands and natural grasslands.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: NRCS, BLM, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation
• Minerals/Oil and Gas development and management
► Lidar can be used to map surface features hidden beneath vegetation which provide information on geologic structure previously unavailable; Lidar can be used to appropriately site oil and gas infrastructure; Lidar can be used to appropriately locate oil and gas transportation routes.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: BLM, Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA (DOL), Office of Surface Mining OSM (DOI), DOE, EPA, USFS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Oil and Gas Conservation Division, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept of Commerce (Energy Promotion and Development Div), Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey)
• Other energy development (wind, solar)
► Lidar can be used to appropriately site wind and solar infrastructure; Lidar can be used to appropriately site transmission line infrastructure.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: BLM, USFS, BIA, DOE
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept of Commerce (Energy Promotion and Development Div), Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey)
• Invasive plants
► Lidar, in conjuction with spectral imagery, can be used differentiate between different species of shrubs and grasses in many cases for more accurate inventory of invasive plants.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, BLM, NRCS, DOA, NRCS, Farm Bureau, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation
• Archaeology
► Lidar can be used to map surface features hidden beneath vegetation which provide information on archaeological features.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USNPS, BLM, USFWS, USFS, NRCS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Montana Historical Society, Office of Indian Affairs
• Geological Risk Detection
► Fault mapping; Earthquake Detection - Lidar scanning can reveal warping of the ground surface next to the faults that previously could not easily be detected. Small faults in close proximity can come together to cause major earthquakes; Lidar can be used to map surface features hidden beneath vegetation which provide information on geologic structure previously unavailable; Lidar can detect relatively small changes in topography that can identify past landslides, solifluction, and other hazards.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USNPS, USGS, USFWS, USFS, NRCS, BLM, BIA, BOR, Army Corps of Engineers (DOD), FEMA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey)
• Wildlife habitat management and protection
► Lidar can be used for identifying shrub layers under forest canopies; Lidar can detect relatively small changes in plant height and thus discriminate between different species of sagebrush and other shrubs, when used with spectral imagery data. These differences are important in identifying habitat for sensitive species such as sage grouse; Lidar data can accurately measure the extent of riparian habitat; Lidar data can accurately measure the extent of some types of wetland habitat.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USGS, USFWS, USFS, BLM, USNPS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: : Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Forestry Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
► Lidar is used to accurately map floodplains, streams, and riparian areas; Lidar can identify sources of siltation and other inputs into water bodies that reduce water quality; Lidar can be used to identify blown-out culverts and other hydrologic features that may be hidden by vegetation.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, BLM, NRCS, DOA, NRCS, Farm Bureau, BIA, USGS, USFWS, FEMA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey), Judicial Branch (Montana Water Court, Natural Resource Damage Program)
• Fire prevention and management
► Lidar is used to accurately estimate biomass, fuel loading, dead standing timber, understory and/or brush volume, and other parameters that can be used to determine fire risk and guide management.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, USNPS, NRCS, BLM, BIA, FEMA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Forestry Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services
• Agricultural uses and management
► Lidar can accurately measure elevational differences to help site appropriate crop planting; Lidar is used to accurately estimate yield; Lidar data offer the possibility of discriminating between agricultural croplands and natural grasslands.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: DOA, NRCS, Farm Bureau, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation
• Forestry uses and management
► Lidar is used to accurately estimate biomass, timber volume, etc; Lidar can be used to track beetle kill by identifying dead standing timber.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Forestry Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services
• Rangeland uses and management
► Lidar is used to accurately estimate biomass of grasslands and shrublands; Lidar can differentiate between different species of shrubs and grasses in many cases for more accurate inventory; Lidar data offer the possibility of discriminating between planted grasslands and natural grasslands.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: NRCS, BLM, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation
• Minerals/Oil and Gas development and management
► Lidar can be used to map surface features hidden beneath vegetation which provide information on geologic structure previously unavailable; Lidar can be used to appropriately site oil and gas infrastructure; Lidar can be used to appropriately locate oil and gas transportation routes.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: BLM, Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA (DOL), Office of Surface Mining OSM (DOI), DOE, EPA, USFS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Oil and Gas Conservation Division, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept of Commerce (Energy Promotion and Development Div), Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey)
• Other energy development (wind, solar)
► Lidar can be used to appropriately site wind and solar infrastructure; Lidar can be used to appropriately site transmission line infrastructure.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: BLM, USFS, BIA, DOE
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept of Commerce (Energy Promotion and Development Div), Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey)
• Invasive plants
► Lidar, in conjuction with spectral imagery, can be used differentiate between different species of shrubs and grasses in many cases for more accurate inventory of invasive plants.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USFS, BLM, NRCS, DOA, NRCS, Farm Bureau, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Water Resources Div, Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation
• Archaeology
► Lidar can be used to map surface features hidden beneath vegetation which provide information on archaeological features.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USNPS, BLM, USFWS, USFS, NRCS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Montana Historical Society, Office of Indian Affairs
• Geological Risk Detection
► Fault mapping; Earthquake Detection - Lidar scanning can reveal warping of the ground surface next to the faults that previously could not easily be detected. Small faults in close proximity can come together to cause major earthquakes; Lidar can be used to map surface features hidden beneath vegetation which provide information on geologic structure previously unavailable; Lidar can detect relatively small changes in topography that can identify past landslides, solifluction, and other hazards.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USNPS, USGS, USFWS, USFS, NRCS, BLM, BIA, BOR, Army Corps of Engineers (DOD), FEMA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, Dept. of Transportation, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (State Survey)
• Wildlife habitat management and protection
► Lidar can be used for identifying shrub layers under forest canopies; Lidar can detect relatively small changes in plant height and thus discriminate between different species of sagebrush and other shrubs, when used with spectral imagery data. These differences are important in identifying habitat for sensitive species such as sage grouse; Lidar data can accurately measure the extent of riparian habitat; Lidar data can accurately measure the extent of some types of wetland habitat.
▪ Federal agencies of interest include: USGS, USFWS, USFS, BLM, USNPS, BIA
▪ Montana State agencies of interest include: : Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (Forestry Div, Conservation and Resource Development Div), Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks