Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
Currently our Good Fences Make Good Neighbors project is inactive: pending funding.
Craighead is working to identify wildlife crossing locations along Montana Highway 287 in the Madison Valley. The valley is just west of Yellowstone National Park and the winter home to thousands of elk and pronghorn. Fencing along the highway can be a double whammy - elk can get caught in the fence and pronghorn can get trapped within the right-of-way and become a traffic hazard.
By identifying typical crossing locations and working with landowners to modify fences, everybody wins. Landowners don't have to spend time and money fixing broken fence, motorists are safer, and wildlife stay alive and can move where they need to. Craighead is also partnering with the Madison Valley Ranchlands Group, Madison County 4-H, and the Wildlife Conservation Society to get kids involved in learning about and designing more wildlife-friendly fencing.
By identifying typical crossing locations and working with landowners to modify fences, everybody wins. Landowners don't have to spend time and money fixing broken fence, motorists are safer, and wildlife stay alive and can move where they need to. Craighead is also partnering with the Madison Valley Ranchlands Group, Madison County 4-H, and the Wildlife Conservation Society to get kids involved in learning about and designing more wildlife-friendly fencing.
This elk calf had been caught in the fence long enough to be in shock. She died here.