Order the new book
Conservation Planning: Shaping the Future Published by ESRI Press, February 2013 Preface. Lance Craighead and Charles Convis Our goal is to make scientifically credible conservation planning available to a wider audience of conservation practitioners |
Canmore: a case study in conservation planning
In March of 2013, the Craighead Institute was awarded a grant from the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative to use our WildPlanner tools to analyze the wildlife corridors around Canmore, Alberta, Canada, and to evaluate the likely effects of new resort development there. We began collecting data for our analysis in April and May.
We have dedicated this page for presenting the data, methodology, and results as a worked example of conservation planning and as a demonstration of how an open and transparent process can help inform stakeholders, clarify understanding of results, and dispel many of the myths and half-truths that often occur in situations like this. We trust that our analysis will help everyone involved reach decisions that are based on the best available science. Of course we realize that many aspects of this issue are not questions of science; they involve belief systems, values, economics, and even spirituality. As a starting point however, we would like to offer the findings of science and a forum for discussion in our blog. To the left is our blog feed with current updates about our work on the Canmore project. Please feel free to comment. We are hoping for good input and conversation about this process. We look forward to hearing from you! |