Craighead Institute Scientific Presentations
April 16-20. Presentation by Brent Brock at Intermountain GIS conference: “Using GIS to Map Wildlife Corridors At Multiple Scales”. Montana Association of Geographic and Information Professionals. Kalispell, Montana.
July 25-29. Presentations by Lance Craighead: “Reducing human-bear conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and elsewhere in the Lower 48”, and “Early Grizzly Bear Research: the Yellowstone study from 1958-1968” at the BearFest Symposium, Wrangell, Alaska.
October 24-26. Presentation by April Craighead: “Citizen-science and pikas: developing a distributional database for the future”, Montana Chapter, the Society for Conservation Biology. Missoula, Montana.
June 7-8. Presentation by Brent Brock at Planning for People and Wildlife conference hosted by the Sonoran Institute and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Helena, Montana.
July 13. Acceptance of Esri Special Achievement in GIS award. San Diego, California. and
July 16-19. Presentation about the Conservation Planning book by Lance Craighead at Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) at Big Bear Lake, California.
July 27-30. Presentation on “Bears of the World” at the BearFest Symposium, Wrangell, Alaska.
August 21-24. Presentation on the Bozeman Pass wildlife study: “Identification and Evaluation of Sites for Low-cost Wildlife Mitigation” by Lance Craighead at the ICOET conference in Seattle, Washington.
June 14-18. Third Synthesis Session for the Conservation Planning book and 11th Conservation Area Design meeting at the B-Bar Ranch. A core group of book authors representing several universities and NGO's, plus Charles Convis of the ESRI conservation program and Mark Henry from Esri Press, met to finalize chapters of the Conservation Planning book. Presentations by Lance Craighead, Brent Brock, Thomas Olenicki, Charles Convis, Rick Church, Bob Unnasch, David Theobald, Peter Singleton, Jesse Logan, Eric Atkinson, Mark Henry, Gregg Treinish, and Deia Schlosberg.
October 7. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Campaign for Montana’s Headwaters conference, Yellow Bay Laboratory, Flathead Lake, Montana.
February 9-13. Presentation by Brent Brock: “GIS-based tools to improve land use planning for wildlife conservation” at the Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society annual meeting, Kalispell, Montana.
May 26-29. Second Synthesis Session for the Conservation Planning book and 10th Conservation Area Design meeting at the B-Bar Ranch. A group of scientists from previous years, plus Charles Convis of the ESRI conservation program, met to discuss the content of book chapters and the overall theme of the Conservation Planning book. Presentations by Lance Craighead, Brent Brock, Thomas Olenicki, Charles Convis, Rick Church, Chris Ray, John DiBari, Jesse Logan, Adam Peterson, David Augeri, Eric Atkinson.
July 18-21. Presentation about the Conservation Planning book by Lance Craighead at Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) at Big Bear Lake, California.
September 13-15. Presentation on the Bozeman Pass wildlife study by April Craighead at the ICOET conference in Duluth Minnesota.
May 21-23, 2008. Presented A Conservation Area Design for the Inland Temperate Rainforest Based on Focal Species at BC's Inland Rainforest-Conservation and Community Conference at the University of Northern British Columbia. Authors: Lance Craighead, Thomas Olenicki, Brent Brock, all from Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT, and Justin Williams, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
July 27-29. First Synthesis Session for the Conservation Planning book. Chico Hot Springs, Montana. Presentations by Lance Craighead, Brent Brock, and Thomas Olenicki from Craighead Institute. Also presenting were Justin Williams, Bob Unnasch, Abel Woman, Jesse Logan, Peter Singleton (via internet), Eric Atkinson.
Lance Craighead gave a presentation at the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Western Region Annual meeting in Denver on March 30, 2007 hosted by the Denver Zoo:( Zoo Research and Conservation: expanding the scope into the laboratories of the landscape. [100MB ppt] )
We presented two papers at the Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society meetings in February 2007:
A Habitat Conservation Network Based upon Focal Species: Design for the Inland Rainforest of North America with applications for energy development. by Dr. Lance Craighead*, Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT. Co-authors: Baden Cross, Thomas Olenicki, Brent Brock (all from Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT), and Justin Williams, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Habitat and Subdivision Growth Models for Predicting Past and Future Habitat Loss from Rural Subdivision Development. Tom Olinecki*, Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT.
A paper entitled: "Identifying Core Habitat and Connectivity for Focal Species in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock Forest of North America to Complete a Conservation Area Design" was published in the Proceedings of the 8th World Wilderness Congress in spring 2007. This paper included a new dimension in symposium proceedings: since our results included many large format maps that were too detailed to be clearly seen in an 8 by 10 black and white print in the document, we published small black and white maps with internet links to larger, color versions on our website. When linking to the larger color maps please wait about 30 seconds or more even with a fast connection.
Lance gave a presentation at The Nature Conservancy's Conservation Science in Practice Conference- Linking Local Science/Practice to Global Conservation - in Tucson AZ Nov. 29, 2006: "Landscape Context and Connectivity: Setting goals for Where? How much? and In what condition?" The talk was titled: ( Connectivity in Space and Time: implications for individuals, populations, and species of the Yellowstone to Yukon Region. [105MB ppt] )
September 21-24, 2006. CERI held the 9th annual Conservation Area Design meeting at the B-Bar Ranch. We had a terrific turnout with a core group of scientists from previous years representing several universities and NGO's, plus 2 of the principals of the ESRI conservation program (Charles Convis and Steve Beckwitt) - colleagues from Canada (Derek Martin of the David Suzuki Foundation and Baden and Ulrika Cross of Applied Conservation GIS) - former US Forest Service biologists (Jesse Logan and Timm Kaminski [now director of the Mountain Livestock Cooperative]) - and a contingent from the Wilburforce Foundation.
February 8, 2006. Grizzly Bear Delisting Hearing. Presentation by Lance Craighead. Bozeman, MT.
July 24, 2006. We held a meeting in Sandpoint, ID with about 20 people and presented the results of our Inland Rainforest Conservation Area Design. On July 25 we traveled to Nelson, BC and in the afternoon of July 28 we presented our results in meetings with about 40 people in New Denver BC. We then traveled to Yaak, MT on July 29 and presented our results at the Yaak Forest Council Celebration and then returned home to Bozeman.March 7, 2006. Presentation by Tom Olenicki at the Northwest Chapter of The Wildlife Society meetings in Boise, ID.
March 21, 2006. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Moonlight Basin Ski Resort.
April 14, 2006. Participation in panel by Lance Craighead at Linkage Workshop in Missoula, MT.
April 24-28, 2006. Presentations by Lance Craighead at Four Great Rivers Conservation Planning Program meetings in Chengdu, China.
May 16, 2006. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Four Great Rivers Conservation Planning Program meetings in Lhasa, Tibet, China.
June 26, 2006. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) and Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) meetings in San Jose, CA (A Conservation Area Design for The Inland Temperate Rainforest [88MB ppt])
1-2 December, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium
16 November, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead on grizzly bear conservation at University of Idaho Pocatello campus, Pocatello, ID.
17 November, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead on grizzly bear conservation at Brigham Young University - Idaho campus, Rexberg, ID.
5 October 2005. 8th World Wilderness Congress presentation by Lance Craighead. This is a paper which will be published in the Proceedings of the 8th World Wilderness Congress in spring 2007. (link to 8WWC paper). When linking to the larger color maps please wait about 30 seconds or more even with a fast connection.
28-31 October. Presentations on “Conservation Planning in the Yellowstone to Yukon Region” by Lance Craighead. Tibetan Scientists Study Tour: Banff, AB, Canada.
5 October, 2005. 8th World Wilderness Congress workshop on conservation in southern Africa. Presentation by Lance Craighead.
17-19 October, 2005. Yellowstone Biennial Science Conference Poster
30 August, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead: (Modeling highway impacts related to grizzly bear core habitat and connectivity habitat in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem using a two-scale approach. [85MB ppt]) at The International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET). San Diego, CA
25 August, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at NRDC workshop on Rock Creek Mine proposal, Noxon, MT.
21 June, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at US Forest Service, Line Biologists meeting, Yellowstone Institute.
14 June, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Interagency/NGO Yellowstone Wildlife Migration and Linkage meeting: Cody, WY.
13 May, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at NRDC Writer's Workshop, Emigrant, MT>
30 April, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at NRDC Donor Tour, Emigrant, MT>
10 January, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Interagency/NGO Yellowstone Wildlife Migration and Linkage meeting: West Yellowstone
Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium: Snow King Resort Dec. 3
Yellowstone Wildlife Migration and Linkage meeting: West Yellowstone
ICOET poster: Lake Placid NY, August 24-27
MT TWS meeting: Lewiston MT Feb. 24-27
Wilburforce Science Symposium, Calgary May 8-10
MSU Fish and Wildlife Forum Oct. 22
Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium: Teton Science School Dec.
ICOET paper
April 16-20. Presentation by Brent Brock at Intermountain GIS conference: “Using GIS to Map Wildlife Corridors At Multiple Scales”. Montana Association of Geographic and Information Professionals. Kalispell, Montana.
July 25-29. Presentations by Lance Craighead: “Reducing human-bear conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and elsewhere in the Lower 48”, and “Early Grizzly Bear Research: the Yellowstone study from 1958-1968” at the BearFest Symposium, Wrangell, Alaska.
October 24-26. Presentation by April Craighead: “Citizen-science and pikas: developing a distributional database for the future”, Montana Chapter, the Society for Conservation Biology. Missoula, Montana.
June 7-8. Presentation by Brent Brock at Planning for People and Wildlife conference hosted by the Sonoran Institute and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Helena, Montana.
July 13. Acceptance of Esri Special Achievement in GIS award. San Diego, California. and
July 16-19. Presentation about the Conservation Planning book by Lance Craighead at Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) at Big Bear Lake, California.
July 27-30. Presentation on “Bears of the World” at the BearFest Symposium, Wrangell, Alaska.
August 21-24. Presentation on the Bozeman Pass wildlife study: “Identification and Evaluation of Sites for Low-cost Wildlife Mitigation” by Lance Craighead at the ICOET conference in Seattle, Washington.
June 14-18. Third Synthesis Session for the Conservation Planning book and 11th Conservation Area Design meeting at the B-Bar Ranch. A core group of book authors representing several universities and NGO's, plus Charles Convis of the ESRI conservation program and Mark Henry from Esri Press, met to finalize chapters of the Conservation Planning book. Presentations by Lance Craighead, Brent Brock, Thomas Olenicki, Charles Convis, Rick Church, Bob Unnasch, David Theobald, Peter Singleton, Jesse Logan, Eric Atkinson, Mark Henry, Gregg Treinish, and Deia Schlosberg.
October 7. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Campaign for Montana’s Headwaters conference, Yellow Bay Laboratory, Flathead Lake, Montana.
February 9-13. Presentation by Brent Brock: “GIS-based tools to improve land use planning for wildlife conservation” at the Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society annual meeting, Kalispell, Montana.
May 26-29. Second Synthesis Session for the Conservation Planning book and 10th Conservation Area Design meeting at the B-Bar Ranch. A group of scientists from previous years, plus Charles Convis of the ESRI conservation program, met to discuss the content of book chapters and the overall theme of the Conservation Planning book. Presentations by Lance Craighead, Brent Brock, Thomas Olenicki, Charles Convis, Rick Church, Chris Ray, John DiBari, Jesse Logan, Adam Peterson, David Augeri, Eric Atkinson.
July 18-21. Presentation about the Conservation Planning book by Lance Craighead at Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) at Big Bear Lake, California.
September 13-15. Presentation on the Bozeman Pass wildlife study by April Craighead at the ICOET conference in Duluth Minnesota.
May 21-23, 2008. Presented A Conservation Area Design for the Inland Temperate Rainforest Based on Focal Species at BC's Inland Rainforest-Conservation and Community Conference at the University of Northern British Columbia. Authors: Lance Craighead, Thomas Olenicki, Brent Brock, all from Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT, and Justin Williams, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
July 27-29. First Synthesis Session for the Conservation Planning book. Chico Hot Springs, Montana. Presentations by Lance Craighead, Brent Brock, and Thomas Olenicki from Craighead Institute. Also presenting were Justin Williams, Bob Unnasch, Abel Woman, Jesse Logan, Peter Singleton (via internet), Eric Atkinson.
Lance Craighead gave a presentation at the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Western Region Annual meeting in Denver on March 30, 2007 hosted by the Denver Zoo:( Zoo Research and Conservation: expanding the scope into the laboratories of the landscape. [100MB ppt] )
We presented two papers at the Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society meetings in February 2007:
A Habitat Conservation Network Based upon Focal Species: Design for the Inland Rainforest of North America with applications for energy development. by Dr. Lance Craighead*, Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT. Co-authors: Baden Cross, Thomas Olenicki, Brent Brock (all from Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT), and Justin Williams, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Habitat and Subdivision Growth Models for Predicting Past and Future Habitat Loss from Rural Subdivision Development. Tom Olinecki*, Craighead Environmental Research Institute, Bozeman, MT.
A paper entitled: "Identifying Core Habitat and Connectivity for Focal Species in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock Forest of North America to Complete a Conservation Area Design" was published in the Proceedings of the 8th World Wilderness Congress in spring 2007. This paper included a new dimension in symposium proceedings: since our results included many large format maps that were too detailed to be clearly seen in an 8 by 10 black and white print in the document, we published small black and white maps with internet links to larger, color versions on our website. When linking to the larger color maps please wait about 30 seconds or more even with a fast connection.
Lance gave a presentation at The Nature Conservancy's Conservation Science in Practice Conference- Linking Local Science/Practice to Global Conservation - in Tucson AZ Nov. 29, 2006: "Landscape Context and Connectivity: Setting goals for Where? How much? and In what condition?" The talk was titled: ( Connectivity in Space and Time: implications for individuals, populations, and species of the Yellowstone to Yukon Region. [105MB ppt] )
September 21-24, 2006. CERI held the 9th annual Conservation Area Design meeting at the B-Bar Ranch. We had a terrific turnout with a core group of scientists from previous years representing several universities and NGO's, plus 2 of the principals of the ESRI conservation program (Charles Convis and Steve Beckwitt) - colleagues from Canada (Derek Martin of the David Suzuki Foundation and Baden and Ulrika Cross of Applied Conservation GIS) - former US Forest Service biologists (Jesse Logan and Timm Kaminski [now director of the Mountain Livestock Cooperative]) - and a contingent from the Wilburforce Foundation.
February 8, 2006. Grizzly Bear Delisting Hearing. Presentation by Lance Craighead. Bozeman, MT.
July 24, 2006. We held a meeting in Sandpoint, ID with about 20 people and presented the results of our Inland Rainforest Conservation Area Design. On July 25 we traveled to Nelson, BC and in the afternoon of July 28 we presented our results in meetings with about 40 people in New Denver BC. We then traveled to Yaak, MT on July 29 and presented our results at the Yaak Forest Council Celebration and then returned home to Bozeman.March 7, 2006. Presentation by Tom Olenicki at the Northwest Chapter of The Wildlife Society meetings in Boise, ID.
March 21, 2006. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Moonlight Basin Ski Resort.
April 14, 2006. Participation in panel by Lance Craighead at Linkage Workshop in Missoula, MT.
April 24-28, 2006. Presentations by Lance Craighead at Four Great Rivers Conservation Planning Program meetings in Chengdu, China.
May 16, 2006. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Four Great Rivers Conservation Planning Program meetings in Lhasa, Tibet, China.
June 26, 2006. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) and Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) meetings in San Jose, CA (A Conservation Area Design for The Inland Temperate Rainforest [88MB ppt])
1-2 December, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium
16 November, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead on grizzly bear conservation at University of Idaho Pocatello campus, Pocatello, ID.
17 November, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead on grizzly bear conservation at Brigham Young University - Idaho campus, Rexberg, ID.
5 October 2005. 8th World Wilderness Congress presentation by Lance Craighead. This is a paper which will be published in the Proceedings of the 8th World Wilderness Congress in spring 2007. (link to 8WWC paper). When linking to the larger color maps please wait about 30 seconds or more even with a fast connection.
28-31 October. Presentations on “Conservation Planning in the Yellowstone to Yukon Region” by Lance Craighead. Tibetan Scientists Study Tour: Banff, AB, Canada.
5 October, 2005. 8th World Wilderness Congress workshop on conservation in southern Africa. Presentation by Lance Craighead.
17-19 October, 2005. Yellowstone Biennial Science Conference Poster
30 August, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead: (Modeling highway impacts related to grizzly bear core habitat and connectivity habitat in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem using a two-scale approach. [85MB ppt]) at The International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET). San Diego, CA
25 August, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at NRDC workshop on Rock Creek Mine proposal, Noxon, MT.
21 June, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at US Forest Service, Line Biologists meeting, Yellowstone Institute.
14 June, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Interagency/NGO Yellowstone Wildlife Migration and Linkage meeting: Cody, WY.
13 May, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at NRDC Writer's Workshop, Emigrant, MT>
30 April, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at NRDC Donor Tour, Emigrant, MT>
10 January, 2005. Presentation by Lance Craighead at Interagency/NGO Yellowstone Wildlife Migration and Linkage meeting: West Yellowstone
Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium: Snow King Resort Dec. 3
Yellowstone Wildlife Migration and Linkage meeting: West Yellowstone
ICOET poster: Lake Placid NY, August 24-27
MT TWS meeting: Lewiston MT Feb. 24-27
Wilburforce Science Symposium, Calgary May 8-10
MSU Fish and Wildlife Forum Oct. 22
Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium: Teton Science School Dec.
ICOET paper